Gin is a fascinating distillate that has experienced a renaissance in recent years. Whether you are an avid gin lover or are just discovering the world of this versatile drink, storing gin correctly is crucial to preserving its quality and taste. How do you store gin correctly? In this article, you will learn everything you need to know about storing gin and whether gin can go bad at all. We will also introduce you to our THORALM Dry Gin an excellent choice for any gin lover.
Proper storage of gin
Gin, like many other spirits, is relatively robust and has a long shelf life. However, there are some important storage tips you should keep in mind to preserve the full flavor and quality of your gin:
1. Sun protection: Light is one of gin's biggest enemies. Direct sunlight can change the chemical composition and negatively affect the taste. Therefore, always store gin in a dark place, such as a cupboard or a bar with doors.
2. Temperature: Temperature plays a crucial role in storing gin. Store gin at a consistent, cool temperature. Extreme heat or cold should be avoided as these can affect the quality of the gin. Temperatures between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius are ideal.
3. Closure: A tightly sealed lid is essential to prevent oxidation. Oxidation can change the taste of gin and cause volatile aromas to escape. Therefore, make sure that the bottle is always tightly closed. For longer storage, an additional cap or a vacuum seal may be useful.
4. Upright stance: Gin bottles should always be stored upright. This prevents the alcohol from attacking the cork, which could happen during long-term storage. A damaged cork can let air into the bottle and cause the gin to spoil more quickly.
Can gin go bad?
Unlike perishable foods, gin has no set expiration date. As long as the bottle remains unopened and stored under optimal conditions, gin can be enjoyed for years. However, once opened, a slow process of oxidation begins, which can alter the taste after a few years. Here are some important points to consider:
- Unopened bottles: An unopened bottle of gin will last virtually indefinitely, provided it is stored properly.
- Opened bottles: Once opened, we recommend consuming the gin within two years. During this time, the gin will retain its best aromas and flavors.
Tips for storage after opening
To maximize the shelf life and taste of opened gin, there are some additional tips:
- Store in a cool place: Store the opened bottle in a cool, dark place to slow oxidation.
- Reduce bottle size: If the bottle is only half full, transferring it to a smaller bottle can help reduce the amount of air that comes into contact with the gin.
THORALM Dry Gin for your home bar
The THORALM Dry Gin is a must for gin lovers and connoisseurs. This gin is characterized by its exquisite blend of traditional and modern botanicals, which give it a unique and complex taste. The exquisite THORALM Dry Gin impresses with its high quality and finely balanced aroma. It is ideal for classic cocktails as well as for creative creations of your own and should not be missing from any well-stocked home bar.
Can you store gin in the freezer?
Storing gin properly is not an art, but the question of whether you can store gin in the freezer is often asked. In principle, it is possible to store gin in the freezer because it has a high alcohol content and does not freeze. Gin usually only freezes at temperatures between -20 and -30 degrees Celsius and a normal household freezer reaches temperatures of around -18 degrees Celsius. However, there are a few things to consider:
Advantages of storing in the freezer:
- Cool serving temperature: An ice-cold gin is particularly pleasant when served neat or over ice. The low temperature can soften the intensity of the alcohol and increase enjoyment.
Disadvantages of storing in the freezer:
- loss of flavor: At very low temperatures, some of the subtle aromas and flavours of gin can be suppressed. This can result in the gin tasting less complex and expressive.
- Condensation: When the bottle is taken out of the freezer, condensation can form on the surface. This water, if it gets into the bottle, can dilute the gin and affect the taste.
Recommendation: To fully enjoy and preserve the flavours, we recommend storing gin at a cool, consistent temperature outside of the freezer. A dark, cool place, such as a cupboard or bar with doors, is ideal. However, if you want to enjoy your gin particularly cold, you can put it in the freezer for a short time just before serving.
The THORALM Dry Gin, with its exquisite blend of traditional and modern botanicals, unfolds its unique and complex taste best at moderate temperatures. Enjoy it in a classic Gin Tonic or a creative cocktail, served with high-quality ice cubesto bring out the flavors to their fullest.
Does gin get better with time?
A common question among gin lovers is whether gin gets better with time. The answer is a bit more complex and depends on several factors.
Unopened bottles
Gin is a distilled spirit that, unlike wine, does not age or improve after bottling. As long as the bottle remains unopened, the gin will retain its original quality and taste for many years. This is because the alcohol content is high enough to protect the drink from microbial changes.
Opened bottles
However, once a bottle of gin is opened, a slow process of oxidation begins. Oxidation can cause the aromas and flavors of the gin to change over time. Although gin does not go bad, the flavor can be less intense and complex after a few years.
In summary: Gin does not improve with time, but with proper storage it can maintain its quality and flavor for many years.
Conclusion: How do you store gin properly?
Storing gin correctly is not an art, but with a few simple tips you can ensure that your gin retains its quality for a long time. Make sure it is protected from light, has a constant cool temperature, a tightly closed lid and is stored upright. This will keep your gin fresh and aromatic for years. THORALM Dry Gin, with its exquisite blend of traditional and modern botanicals, should not be missing from any well-stocked home bar. Enjoy it neat, on ice or in your favorite cocktail.
DRY GIN in gift box 500ml
72,00 €14,40 € / 100 ml
incl. 20% VAT
plus shipping costs
Product contains: 500 ml
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